Friday, January 3, 2014

Classics Club Read-a-thon -Goals and Updates And Wrap Up
Do you see this? This is happening! I NEED to do this this weekend! I won't be able to do the whole 24 hours, but I would really like to read at least 2 classics!

My choices:
  • Jane Eyre
  • The House of The Seven Gables
  • The Haunting of Hill House
  • The Tempest (nook)
Obviously I won't be able to read them all, but I will do my bestest to try! I will most likely NOT wake up at 7am to start (I'm CST), but once my feet are on the ground and caffeine is roaring through my veins I'll start reading! The only times I will stop are to work, potty (even this is debatable), and maybe write.

Intro Post:

  1. Name and Blog: Melissa C from Melissa Gets Classical
  2. Snacks and Beverages of Choice: coffee, water, tea, probably try to cut the snacking back some. Resolutions and all.
  3. Where are you reading from today?: Cold COLD COLD Alabama
  4. What are your goals for the Readathon?:  Would love to read ONE of my selections, but I will take at least 50 pages out of each (I have a bad case of book A.D.D.)
  5. What book(s) are you planning on reading?: see my list above
  6. Are you excited?: Heck yeah buddy! 
                                                   this readathon post sponsored by

Starting Time: 8:00 AM CST
Starting Feels:
I didn't sleep well, but I am wide awake. Not sure how long this will last, but I'm going to read as much as I can til I get tired. I foresee the possibility of a nap today!
Starting Book: Jane Eyre
Starting Page: 1

Ending Time: 10:00am CST
Ending Feels: A bit disappointed that I didn't get as much read as I wanted to. :(
Book: Jany Eyre
Pages Read:  13 measly pages! Boo!

I have work now for 2 hours so I will probably not get much reading done. If I have some "slow" moments I will read and add that page count to my next  update.

Starting Time:  1:45 PM CST
Starting Feels:
Finished work, did a VERY BRIEF workout (since I'm completely out of any shape that isn't round) and took a shower (no deets for you!)
Starting Book: Jane Eyre
Starting Page: 11 pages read while working so starting this block on page 25

This was a winning failure for me. Failure because I didn't finish my book. Win because without this read-a-thon, I wouldn't have picked up Jane Eyre! I'm really enjoying the book, but I just had too much going on this weekend in the way of "real life" events. I did get the push I needed to start my classics so YAY! 

Thursday, January 2, 2014

Eugene Onegin Read-a-Long
 I stumbled upon this read-a-long as I was perusing the Back to the Classics 2014 challenge pages. I do not think I have ever read something like this before, so I had to join in! I will probably post my thoughts on here, as well as discuss with the other participants! Click the banner up top if you wanna find out more!

Here is the schedule:

Ch. 1 & 2 - January 7 to 16
Ch. 3 & 4 - January 16 to 25
Ch. 5 & 6 - January 25 to February 3
Ch. 7 & 8 - February 3 to February 12